TIE/ae Aerodynamically Enhanced
Sienar Fleet Systems
Combat Designation
Atmospherically Enhanced Fighter
1 pilot
Two SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons
Two concussion missile launchers
A limited number
of these potent craft were bought by the Empire for the purpose
of evaluation. While pilots who had been stuck with TIE/gt's and
those assigned to ground bases loved them, but fighter pilots did
not like it very much. Designed for optimized atmospheric performance
against combat air speeders, cloud cars and low flying starfighters,
it is as fast as and almost as nimble in atmosphere as the Interceptor,
but this performance comes at the expense of space performance,
hence the general dislike among pilots. With only 60% of the forward
thrust in space as the TIE/ln, it was being outrun even by Y-Wings.
Using the basic
ball from all of the TIEs, it retains the original laser cannons.
The solar panels are similar to those that would later be designed
for use on the TIE Interceptor, but instead of having the cutout,
they come to points fore and aft (a very sharp, 30 degree in to
center, one in the front, and a smoother, 45 degree, one to the
back). These are mounted up and in at about a 60 degree angle. When
upright, they are 80% as tall as those on the TIE/ln, making the
TIE/ae the largest of the TIEs. The undersides of the solar panels
are lined with miniaturized, high intensity repulsorlift cells,
giving it its exceptional atmospheric performance. This also allows
it to hover a few centimeters above ground, like a landspeeder .
This, in addition to the powerful floodlights mounted on the underside
of the wing pylon make it a valuable tool for counter-insurgency
and riot control operations. The TIE/ae is the only TIE-series fighter
to have weapons pylons as a standard feature. Many of these fighters
would be scrapped, or sold off to subservient powers, but a few
(less than a thousand) of them remain in Imperial service, mainly
with Army support wings and a small number of Assault Wings. Those
that remain require roughly 25% more maintenance time, due to the
highly miniaturized repulsor network. If this time is not received,
performance quickly degenerates.
The TIE/ae is easily
identified by its two inner-wing and two outer-wing pylons.