Ship Specs |
Hapan Battle Dragon
The primary warship of the Hapans is the small but powerful Battle Dragon. These vessels are composed of two oval-shaped saucers connected by a central core; the saucers allow turbolasers to be rotated around the hull. The ships also can create "pulse mass mines," which have a similar effect to traditional gravity-well generators. -Source: Cracken's Threat Dossier These huge, red-hued, saucer-shaped capital ships are armed with forty ion cannons, forty turbolasers, dorsal- and ventral-mounted triple ion gun batteries, ten proton torpedo launchers, a tractor beam projector, and four pulse-mass generator tubes. This is not a large amount of firepower for such a large ship, and Battle Dragons must work in concert to throw up a wall of energy against their enemies. They are about 600 meters in diameter. The ship has two circular main sections linked by sixteen rotation support struts. The triple ion gun batteries rotate freely, allowing fresh cannons to fire while the other recharge. They have hangar space for three squadrons of Miy'til fighters, but many often carry a complement of X-Wings. There are 63 Battle Dragons at any time in the Hapan fleet, one representing each of the 63 Hapan stars and their life-supporting planets. The Hapan Battle Dragon was produced by Olanji/Charubah, at the direction of the Hapan royal family. Each Battle Dragon carryied three squadrons of Miy'til fighters, up to 500 troops, a crew of 1,200, and a gunnery crew of 190. -Source: Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia |
Starships Hapan Battle Dragon Hapes Nova-class Cruiser Starfighters Miy'Til Fighter HLAF-500 LAF-250 Mynock-class Assault Boat |