Ship Specs
Imperial Ships
Imperial Fighters
New Republic Ships
New Republic Fighters
Transport Craft
Non-aligned Craft

Ship Pictures
Major Corporations

Notorious Fleets
Imperial Squadrons
New Republic Squadrons
Imperial Pilots
Rebel Pilots

Commercial Groups
Imperial Navy
New Republic Navy

Historical Battles
Complete Ship Listing
Further Study


Most of the information on this site is gathered from other resources on the net, as well as from Lucasfilm's Star Wars computer games, and Star Wars novels and resource books.

I am especially indebted to the Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia, truly a wealth of knowledge, and the best Star Wars encyclopedia I have seen.

I also give praise and credit to Jon McGarry, Jim Pederson, Will Anderson, and the Star Wars Modelling Alliance and its many contributors for their wonderful works of digital art.

Thanks to Raith for his excellent starfighter and spaceship renderings that serve as the accompanying pictures to many of the database entries.

I also commend and thank the authors of all the Star Wars novels, Cracken's Threat Dossier, the Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, the Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook, the Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook, the Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels, and many RPG sourcebooks for their invaluable information.

I appreciate the PC games TIE Fighter, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, and Rebellion, and these games' manuals, for their extensive ship data, and for the experience I have gained first-hand with ships of the Star Wars galaxy from which to gain knowledge and frame opinion of Star Wars ships, thus enabling me to write commentaries on them.

I owe thanks to many for the success of this site, and if I have not named someone to whom thanks is due, it is only because I could not have enough space to do so.